Fanny Weytens
Docteur en psychologie
Psychologue - Coach - Formatrice
Fondatrice de la plateforme Ciao Burnout
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« Comparative study of the effects of positive emotion up-regulation and negative emotion down-regulation on psychological and somatic adjustment ». Promoteurs : Prof. Mikolajczak & Prof. Luminet. Défendue en septembre 2014.
Weytens, F. (2017). Accompagner vers un plus haut niveau de bien-être subjectif : oui, mais comment ? Le Journal des psychologues, (346), 27‑32.
Weytens, F., Luminet, O., Verhofstadt, L. L., & Mikolajczak, M. (2014). An Integrative Theory-Driven Positive Emotion Regulation Intervention. PLoS ONE, 9(4).
Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Weytens, Fanny. Biological sex and gender role identity as predictors of spousal support provision : A scenario-based study. In: Journal of Gender Studies, (2013).
Nelis, Delphine ; Kotsou, Ilios ; Quoidbach, Jordi ; Hansenne, Michel ; Weytens, Fanny ;
Dupuis, Pauline ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. Increasing Emotional Competence Improves
Psychological and Physical Well-Being, Social Relationships, and Employability. In: Emotion, Vol. 11, no. 2, p. 354-66 (2011).
Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Weytens, Fanny. Partnerrelaties in context : Een onderzoeksoverzicht. In: Systeemtherapie, Vol. 22, no. 2, p. 122-129 (2010).
En préparation
Weytens, F. & Mikolajczak, M.. Comparative study of the effects of positive emotion upregulation and negative emotion down-regulation on psychological and somatic adjustment.
Présentations orales
Weytens, Fanny ; Luminet, Olivier ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. Should We Learn First to Up-Regulate our Positive Emotions or to Down-Regulate our Negative Ones? Comparative Benefits of Three Interventions. Third World Congress on Positive Psychology (Los Angeles, du 27/06/2013 au 30/06/2013).
Weytens, Fanny ; Luminet, Olivier ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. How to generate, intensify or prolong positive emotions? Presentation of an Integrative Positive Emotion Regulation Program. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences Annual Meeting 2012 (Liege, du 10/05/2012 au 11/05/2012).
Weytens, Fanny ; Luminet, Olivier ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. Interventions to enhance happiness: comparison of Loving Kindness Meditation practice with an Integrative Positive Emotion Regulation pro- gram in a randomised controlled trial. 6th European Conference on Positive Psychology (Moscow, Russia, du 26/06/2012 au 29/06/2012).
Weytens, Fanny. Are empathic people better support providers : Evidence from couple
research. BAPS 2010 Meeting (ULB, Brussels, Belgium).
Weytens, Fanny ; Mikolajczak, Moïra ; Luminet, Olivier. How to generate, intensity or prolong positive emotions ? Presentation of an Integrative Positive Emotion Up-Regulation Program. IPSY Day 2012 (Louvain-la-Neuve, 24/05/2012).
Weytens, Fanny ; Verhofstadt, Lesley. The role of partner characteristics and relationship properties in the provision of spousal support : A large-scale survey. The biannual IARR Conference on Personal Relationships (Herzlyia, Israel, du 22/07/2010 au 26/07/2010).
Weytens, Fanny. The role of personal characteristics and relationships properties in the provision of spousal support : A multi-method approach. IPSY day (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 01/06/2010).